Color Matte Junebug Matte Dune Matte Black Matte Plum Matte Redbug Matte Watermelon Red Matte Green Pumpkin/No Flk Matte Green Pumpkin/Black Flk Matte Morning Dawn Matte Green Pumpkin/Blue Flk Matte Margarita Matte Black and Blue

Designed in conjunction with MLF pro Drew Gill, the Big Bite Baits Nekorama is a 7” worm built to be THE ultimate Neko worm. Incorporating features that maximize success, The Nekorama features 2 indentions to better hold your O-ring and is designed with the perfect body-to-tail size proportions to achieve maximum action. Effective both deep and shallow, the Nekorama is available in 12 all-matte, realistic colors and comes 12 per pack.